Welcome to Department of Nucleic Acids Biochemistry
- DNA and RNA are biological macromolecules called nucleic acids. Nucleic acids play important roles in conveying and expressing genetic
information. Our laboratory (Department of Nucleic Acids Biochemistry)
conducts various original studies related to genetic information using
nucleic acids. We are trying to improve understanding of mutagenesis and
carcinogenesis mechanisms by damaged nucleic acids and overcome disorders,
including cancers, by gene therapy.
- 2025.01.21
- The article entitled ''NEIL1: the second DNA glycosylase involved in action-at-a-distance mutations induced by 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine'' was accepted
by Free Radical Biology and Medicine.
- 2024.10.20
- The article entitled ''Untargeted mutation triggered by ribonucleoside embedded in DNA'' was accepted
by International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- 2024.10.09
- The article entitled ''Escherichia coli Orf135 (NudG) Mutant Protein Specific for Oxidized dATP'' was accepted
by Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids.
- 2024.10.01
- Update the information about Members.
- 2024.09.24
- The article entitled ''Split MutT prevents the mutator phenotype of mutT-deficient Escherichia coli'' was accepted by Genes and Environment.
- 2024.05.29
- The article entitled ''Inhibition of uracil DNA glycosylase alters frequency and spectrum of action-at-a-distance mutations induced by 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine'' was accepted by Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin.
- 2024.04.20
- The article entitled ''Visualization of oxidized guanine nucleotides accumulation
in living cells with split MutT'' was accepted by Nucleic Acids Research.
- 2024.04.01
- Update the information about Members.
- 2023.12.18
- The article entitled ''Correction of substitution, deletion, and insertion
mutations by 5'-tailed duplexes'' was accepted by Journal of Bioscience
and Bioengineering.
- 2023.10.02
- Update the information about Members.
- 2023.07.12
- The article entitled ''Action-at-a-distance mutations induced by 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine
are dependent on APOBEC3'' was accepted by Mutagenesis.
- 2023.04.03
- Update the information about Members.
- 2022.10.25
- The article entitled ''Easily-controllable, helper phage-free single-stranded phagemid production system'' was accepted by Genes & Environment.
- 2022.10.04
- The article entitled ''Development of a versatile high-throughput mutagenesis
assay with multiplexed short read NGS using DNA-barcoded supF shuttle vector library amplified in E. coli'' was accepted by eLife.
- 2022.10.01
- Update the information about Members.
- 2022.08.09
- The article entitled ''Biased distribution of action-at-a-distance mutations by 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine'' was accepted by Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis.
- 2022.06.25
- The article entitled ''Correction of monomeric enhanced green fluorescent
protein (mEGFP) gene by short 5'-tailed duplexes'' was accepted by Journal
of Bioscience and Bioengineering.
- 2022.04.01
- Update the information about Members.
- 2022.01.20
- The article entitled ''Paradoxical role of the major DNA repair protein, OGG1, in action-at-a-distance mutation induction by 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine'' was accepted by DNA Repair.
- 2021.10.06
- Update the information about Members.
- 2021.08.25
- The article entitled ''Gene correction by 5'-tailed duplexes with short
editor oligodeoxyribonucleotides'' was accepted by Journal of Bioscience
and Bioengineering.
- 2021.07.15
- The article entitled ''Action-at-a-distance mutations at 5'-GpA-3' sites
by oxidized guanine in WRN-knockdown cells'' was accepted by Mutagenesis.
- 2021.04.07
- The article entitled ''Similar frequency and signature of untargeted substitutions
induced by abasic site analog under reduced human APE1 conditions'' was
accepted by Journal of Toxicological Sciences.
- 2021.04.01
- Dr. Yoshihiro Fujikawa took office as an assistant professor.
- 2021.04.01
- Update the information about Members.
- 2020.10.01
- Update the information about Members.
- 2020.09.14
- The article entitled ''New indicator Escherichia coli strain for rapid and accurate detection of supF mutations'' was accepted by Genes & Environment.
- 2020.05.27
The article entitled ''Single-stranded DNA versus tailed duplex in sequence
conversion of lacZα DNA'' was accepted by Nucleosides Nucleotides and Nucleic
- 2020.04.01
- Update the information about Members.
- 2019.12.13
- The article entitled ''High-throughput analysis of DNA repair in microplates towards identification of inhibitors'' was accepted by Genes & Environment.
- 2019.10.29
- The article entitled ''Conventional plasmid DNAs with a CpG-containing
backbone achieve durable transgene expression in mouse liver'' was accepted
by Journal of Gene Medicine.
- 2019.10.09
- Update the information about Members.
- 2019.09.24
- The article entitled ''Large deletions and untargeted substitutions induced
by abasic site analog on leading versus lagging strand templates in human
cells'' was accepted by Mutagenesis.
- 2019.06.25
- The article entitled ''No enhancing effects of plasmid-specific histone
acetyltransferase recruitment system on transgene expression in vivo''
was accepted by Nucleosides Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids.
- 2019.04.01
- Update the information about Members.
- 2018.10.01
- Update the information about Members.
- 2018.09.18
- The article entitled ''Analysis of large deletion mutations induced by
abasic site analog in human cells'' was accepted by Genes & Environment.
- 2018.08.05
- The article entitled ''Mutations induced by 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine in
WRN- and DNA polymerase λ-double knockdown cells'' was accepted by Mutagenesis.
- 2018.07.02
- Update the information about Members.
- 2018.06.26
- The article entitled ''Durable transgene expression driven by CpG-free and -containing promoters
in plasmid DNA with CpG-free backbone'' was accepted by Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin.
- 2018.04.05
- The article entitled ''Reduction of Werner syndrome protein enhances G:C
→ A:T transition by O6-methylguanine in human cells'' was accepted by Chemical Research in Toxicology.
- 2018.04.02
- Update the information about Members.
- 2017.12.20
- The article entitled ''Effects of mismatches distant from the target position
on gene correction with a 5'-tailed duplex'' was accepted by Journal of
Bioscience and Bioengineering.
- 2017.10.06
- Update the information about Members.
- 2017.09.01
- Dr. Hidehiko Kawai took office as an associate professor.
- 2017.02.23
- The article entitled ''Comparison of DNA fragments as donor DNAs upon sequence convesion of cleaved target DNA'' was accepted by Nucleosides Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids.
- 2017.02.23
- The article entitled ''DNA polymerase κ protects human cells against MMC-induced genotoxicity through error-free translesion DNA synthesis'' was published by Genes & Environment.
- 2016.10.04
- Update the information about Members.
- 2016.09.15
- The article entitled ''Enhanced transgene expression by plasmid-specific
recruitment of histone acetyltransferase'' was accepted by Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering.
- 2016.09.15
- The article entitled ''Mutator phenotype and DNA double-strand break repair
in BLM helicase-deficient human cells'' was accepted by Molecular and Cellular Biology.
- 2016.09.15
- The article entitled ''The role of DNA polymerase ζ in translesion synthesis across bulky
DNA adducts and cross-links human cells'' was accepted by Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms
of Mutagenesis.
- 2016.06.13
- The review article entitled ''Mutations induced by 8-hydroxyguanine (8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine),
a representative oxidized base, in mammalian cells.'' was accepted by Genes
& Environment.
- 2016.06.13
- The article entitled ''Sensitivity of human cells expressing low-fidelity
or weak-catalytic-activity variants of DNA polymerase ζ to genotoxic
stresses.'' was accepted by DNA Repair.
- 2016.05.14
- The article entitled ''Cleavage of target DNA promotes sequecne conversion
with a tailed duplex.'' was accepted by Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin.
- 2016.04.27
- Update the information about Publicatios.
- 2016.03.09
- English website was established.